Hi! My name is Isaac Privett and here I am getting out into the world, exploring new things, and establishing the identity I will have for the rest of my life. I am starting this blog to inform people about the trials and tribulations of growing up in todays world and making decisions that will affect me for years to come.

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:: Friday, February 28, 2003 ::

Off I Go

Well I am flying home today. When I get there I will put a much needed entry for my site. I also may take some of the old entries off the front page so that my front page wont be 10 miles long.
:: American-N-Canada 11:23 AM [+] ::

:: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 ::
UN members hiding something?

Ever wonder why France, Russia, and China are so stead fast on not going to war with Iraq? Sure they could be standing by their countries morals, but I am beginning to think there may be something more interesting hidden within Baghdad. Could there have been some trades that have gone on between Iraq and several members of the UN that are being hidden from view? It is interesting when you think about it. France is so bent on not going to war with Iraq even after seeing some evidence of Iraq not cooperating. This kind of raises a red flag to me saying that there is something that is being hidden from the view of the rest of the world. France may had done some things that were against the UN resolution after Desert Storm and they don't want anyone to know about them. US comming into Baghdad and finding reports of such dealings would be a cotastrophe for France or anyone else that has had illegal dealings with Iraq. That may be the reason for such a steadfast antiwar stance by France, Russia, and China. They are covering their tracks for doing something against the UN. This hypothesis of course may be wrong, but if we do go into Baghdad and find evidence of such things that have gone on; Bush won't be very happy.
:: American-N-Canada 2:52 PM [+] ::

Be Quiet Already

Well I usually try to stay away from posting new articles, but this one caught my eye North Korea. According to the article, North Korea is warning its military of a possible US attack. I almost feel sorry for the guys. They are jumping around and flailing their arms trying to get attention, yet no one seems to want to look their way. They keep trying and trying to find ways to get people to pay attention to them, but haven't been very successful. They know that the US isn't going to attack them because there is no military build up. Why won't they just be quiet and wait for the troubles with Iraq to be over with and then they can make some noise.
:: American-N-Canada 12:34 AM [+] ::

:: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 ::
Rebellious Teens

There has been alot of rebelliousness going on latelly and I thought it would make an interesting thing to write about. I also thought since this is comming from a teen, maybe the old folks out there might find it interesting to read to gain a little insight.

When most people think about teens, one thing that may come to mind is how rebellious teens seem to be. They like to buck the system and push it to the limit to see just how much they can get away with. I have been thinking today just why that seems to be the case for many of our young adults out there. I haven't led any major revolutions, but I have been a part of some minor assaults on some minuscule rules here and there. I like to lay low and use special ops techniques so that no one really knows how rebellious I can actually be. Some teens, however, seem to like to lead massive rebllions and make as much noise as they can while they are in the process of screwing themselves over (pardon my use of the word screw for lack of a better phrase). I find these people to be using a very unintellegent way of doing what they want. If you are going to do something wrong, what is the first thing that you don't want to do? Let people know about it. I can't really hold this against them. They may do things differently then I do, but they seem to get the job done well enough.

I wonder why we tend to be the ones that get all the heat for being a rebellious age. The more I thought about it. The more I convinced myself that adults seem to be just as rebellious as teens. The reason why teens get the label of being very rebllious is that they are on a closer leash and parents see what their child is doing. One thing I learned very quickly was that my parent saw everything and knew everything. I couldn't get away with much. I had to get even more clever in the ways of my black ops. Anyway, adults buck the system just as much as teens, but if they get caught, they get in more trouble. Most adults also seem to mellow out when they decided to have children because they have a greater responsibilty when it comes to being responsible for anoter human being. It is the single adults that pose the most problem. They don't have to worry being responsible for anyone except themselves and that keeps them from loosing the tendency of wanting to buck the system. I am not saying that teens are not rebellious by any means. I am just saying that many humans that don't have children or aren't older then fifty are just as rebellious all around. Just face it. After you hit fifty, you are just too old to worry about this sort of thing and you decide to live the remainder of your life in peace. I stereotyped rather severly, but I felt that it was necessary since we started out with a stereotype. Of course I don't believe everyone in the age groups follow the trends that I stated. Those are just my general observations from talking to people and observing the way people behave.
:: American-N-Canada 12:48 AM [+] ::

I Appologize

I appologize for my lack of updates over the weekend. I have been very bursy writing a paper about the Spring Salamander and studying for my three tests this week. As you can see this update is comming very late at night since I just now finished my paper. Anyway I hope I won't neglect my site for such a long time again. Also for those of you who can't live without reading my blog. You can breath easier now. A new entry is comming.
:: American-N-Canada 12:17 AM [+] ::

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