Hi! My name is Isaac Privett and here I am getting out into the world, exploring new things, and establishing the identity I will have for the rest of my life. I am starting this blog to inform people about the trials and tribulations of growing up in todays world and making decisions that will affect me for years to come.

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:: Friday, March 12, 2004 ::

Website Changes

I have been making some minor and some not-so-minor changes to the site. Let me know what you think about the changes. If you don't like something, don't hesitate to let me know.
:: American-N-Canada 12:52 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 ::
Sex Bracelets Color Coding

So many people have emailed me or asked me about what color sex bracelet signified what act. I have decided that since I have gotten such a reaction, I will post a list that will tell you their meaning. I do not condone the use of the bracelets for these purposes and frankly find the people that do practice these to be cool immature and in need of something better to spend their time doing. Kids be cool and spend your time trying to become successful in life. Besides, if you end up rich, you will be much more popular then you would be wearing these bracelets.

Black: sexual intercourse
Blue: blow job
Green: cunnilingus
Clear: whatever you want
Orange: kiss
Yellow: hug
Red: lap dance
Purple: anal sex
Silver: fisting
White: French kiss
Pink: flashing
Gold glitter: make out
Glow in the dark: using sex toys
:: American-N-Canada 11:36 PM [+] ::

Well, I decided to draw a quick cartoon this evening. Not a work of art but gets my point accross.

:: American-N-Canada 11:22 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 ::

I rarely dream. At least most of the time I can't remember anything but people say everyone dreams so I must dream I guess. In you dreams you can fly, become famous, get chased by a psycho killer, or just go through normal every day events. Speaking from experience, dreams seem to be manifestations of your subconscious mind. At least in my dreams I dream about things that worry me or that are on my mind. Take two nights ago for instance. I had a dream that there was a person the would break into my house every once in a while and kill someone in my family. In that dream, he killed my little brother and sister and I spent the dream worrying about where he was getting in my house and where he was hiding. After thinking of why I could have a dream such as this, I realized exactly why what happened happened. I never feel safe at my house at night and I am not sure why. I feel safe in all other places I have stayed except home. I am not really worried for me. I am more so worried about my family and I want them to be ok. This dream could have spurred from those real concerns.

Those kinds of dreams are the easy ones. What about the dreams that seem to predict the future? Dreams predicting the future have been recorded since the beginning of human times. With such a large number of dreams seeming to predict the future over such a long time, you can't help but wonder. I personally have had minor cases of Deja Vu, as they call it, and I wonder how this works. Is it possible that the future has already been set in stone and that we have to ability to tell what will happen next if we trained ourselves to do so? I don't think so. My explanation for Deja Vu would be in the sheer number of dreams that we have and short term future telling dreams can be from what we think is going to happen.

Think about it. If 6.5 billion people are dreaming several dreams a night, odds are a few will be of future events. You will also notice that most of these future telling dreams have a few details that are off and won't be exact. If they were telling the future, then I would expect them to be exactly right. Short term future telling dreams can be just of what you think may happen the next day. You mind stores so much information and it may be able to predict possible outcomes of event. You dream about these possible outcomes and remember the ones that seem to be true. The subconscious mind is an interesting thing.
:: American-N-Canada 11:36 PM [+] ::

Music has the ability to bring out so many emotions to the surface of an enormous amount of people world wide. Some people will sway to the beat of a good song, some people will get up and dance their heart out until the sun comes up, some people sing along, and some people will sit quietly and listen intently. My question is why? How can music effect so many people from so many backgrounds?

Most music is just some notes strung together to produce sound. However, I could string some notes together and they may not be pleasing to the ear. Why would my notes strung together be so different from someone's like Mozart? Is there some fundamental pattern of the perfect song? The more I think about it, the more I am perplexed into why music can cross so many cultures and what makes it pleasing. Why do certain sounds create such an emotional response?

When I think about it, I can't but help looking at it biologically. Other organisms produce noise, but it doesn't seem to be for anything other then communication or for mating purposes. As of right now, we have no knowledge of any organism making sound purely for pleasure. It had to start from somewhere. I believe it started from something other then the purpose of enjoyment but evolved into a recreation. The only logical reason that I could fathom would be it started as a communication means. Maybe early tribes of humans produced music as a way of communication from tribe to tribe. That way they wouldn't have to have to speak the same language and could communicate feeling by music. This is totally conjecture but I can't see why it isn't a possibility. If this were so, then it would mean music could have been invented before music. This would explain how music can be so meaningful to just about every human. Could music be in our instincts like it is instincts for frogs to call?
:: American-N-Canada 11:10 PM [+] ::

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