Hi! My name is Isaac Privett and here I am getting out into the world, exploring new things, and establishing the identity I will have for the rest of my life. I am starting this blog to inform people about the trials and tribulations of growing up in todays world and making decisions that will affect me for years to come.

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:: Friday, April 11, 2003 ::

Phylosophical Problems

Ok one more update before I go to bed. Here are a couple problems I have been thinking of lately just for something to do.

How would you describe the color green to a a blind person that has been blind their whole life? Is what I percieve as green what you percieve as green? Maybe what I see as green is what you see as red. Is it only called green because we have other colors to compare it to?

What is love? Is love for someone you are in a relationship the same as it is for your parents? If not then would they be two different feelings and which one would be called love. How would you describe a feeling for someone?

Just some food for thought. Don't think about these questions too much or your head may hurt. There most likely is no way to answer most of these questions. Why people sit around thinking about ways to answer them.
:: American-N-Canada 12:59 AM [+] ::

Pride and Prejudice

I had to read Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice for an english class and then write a paper about it. I will skip talking about the paper because that really isn't important. Anyway, I found the book to be quite dull, but alot of my classmates found it to be quite enjoyable. I would also like to point out that every single one of the people that found it to be enjoyable were female. This book is the epitomy of what girls worry about all the time just from my observations. Of course I can be wrong about this whole thing, but I have noticed an awful large number of girls are very wrapped up in their future, who they will marry, and who likes who. If you are into the whole gossip thing, Pride and Prejudice is the book for you! You will get 312 jammed packed pages of gossip. For some reason I wanted to compare the thing to Gone With the Wind.
:: American-N-Canada 12:50 AM [+] ::

Iraqy Information Minister

I dont know about you guys, but I am gonna miss reading this guy's daily commentary on the war. Every day he would get up to tell the Iraqy people that the Iraq military has defeated the U.S. military and that they pushed us back 500 miles away from Bagdad. In the process of his speeches he would fail to answer how their building were somehow exploding over night like bombs were hitting them or something. He seemed so serious in his remarks and he tried his best to motivate the Iraqies into fighting the U.S. and the coalition. I found it all to be very ammusing. I hope this poor little fella is still alive some where so that a major network can hire him for a talk show or something.
:: American-N-Canada 12:42 AM [+] ::

Volunteer Tailgate Party

There was an online tailgate party with all the blogs in the Rocky Top Brigade. Here is the first ever Volunteer Tailgate Party.

:: American-N-Canada 12:35 AM [+] ::

:: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 ::
Minister eh?

Ever just out of the blue wanna marry someone for a fee, but stop because it wasn't legal? Have you ever just wanted to be a minister for the social status? Now you too can become a perfectly legal minister in just five minutes with no fee. Get Ordained

Now this is sad. It makes you wonder who out there became a minister off the internet. What next? Become a certified pilot licence online? I have also hear that you can confess to a catholic priest online and there is a bishop of the internet or something like that. These are weird times.
:: American-N-Canada 2:16 PM [+] ::

:: Sunday, April 06, 2003 ::
Spring Foward?

Ok. I absolutely hate the whole daylight savings time thing. Well, now that I think about it. I only dislike the spring time change. Due to the whole change you clocks foward an hour thing, I missed an hour of sleep last night. Odviously the person that made up daylight savings was not a college student. To a college student sleep is more precious then gold. We already don't sleep as much as we should and now last night we slept one less hour. I know I will get over it, but it is very annoying. Here is a message to the people who decided do daylight savings time:

Lose daylight savings time and let us sleep. We already lose enough sleep as it is. Maybe if you decided to have us to fall back at every daylight savings period that would be great. I am sure no one will complain and if anyone does let me know who it is. A street address and phone number would be apreciated.
:: American-N-Canada 6:54 PM [+] ::

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