Hi! My name is Isaac Privett and here I am getting out into the world, exploring new things, and establishing the identity I will have for the rest of my life. I am starting this blog to inform people about the trials and tribulations of growing up in todays world and making decisions that will affect me for years to come.

:: Welcome to Growth Spurt :: Bloghome | Email Me :: ::

Blogs of Interest:

American Legends:

Rocky Top Brigade:

A Moveable Beast
Bjorn, Again
Brehd's Proactive Rebuttals
Daily Rant Jane
Damn Diary
Damn Foreigner
Elephant Rants
Growth Spurt
Guy Montag
Inn of the Last Home
Jaded Journal
Johnson City Stories
Lean Left
Loco Parentis
Mike Hollihan
Newton's Kumquat
One Hand Clapping
Oz's Lion
Pathetic Earthlings
Rich Hailey
South Knox Bubba
The Homeless Guy
William Burton
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:: Thursday, February 12, 2004 ::

Windows 2000 and NT Source Code Leak!

Extra extra! Read all about it! Yes, Microsoft's source code for Window's 2000 and NT has leaked onto the net and is everywhere. This doesn't bode well for those of us who do not want to be overrun by worms and viruses. I would suggest everyone gets a good firewall and prays for the best. However, this can lead to some nice Windows mods for customization of the Windows operating system.

Read about it:

and every other news source in the world!
:: American-N-Canada 11:32 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, February 08, 2004 ::
Been A Long Time

It has been a very long time since I have been blogging, but hopefully since things have calmed down a bit, I can get back to the regular scheduled broadcasting. A lot of stuff has happened since I have posted last. We are in the middle of an interesting election for the Democratic primaries, the war in Iraq continues but fails to keep headlines, the world focus on Saddam Hussein has seemed to vanish, and of course much stuff in my person life. Hopefully it will all lead to some good blogging to come. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and the new year is turning out well for them.
:: American-N-Canada 7:06 PM [+] ::

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