Hi! My name is Isaac Privett and here I am getting out into the world, exploring new things, and establishing the identity I will have for the rest of my life. I am starting this blog to inform people about the trials and tribulations of growing up in todays world and making decisions that will affect me for years to come.

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Inn of the Last Home
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:: Thursday, March 27, 2003 ::


Ever wonder what really happens when a tank is hit by a missle? Here you go OUCH!
:: American-N-Canada 11:48 AM [+] ::

Parade of Slimy Monsters

Well some people would call them slimy monsters, but I would disagree with them and call them facinating creatures. Slamander and frogs are so unique compared to all the other kinds of organisms on the planet and I love to study these creatures. Anyway, last night I had an amazing experience that I have never thought I would witness. Who would have thought that on the first rainy night of spring; thousands of frogs and salamanders make a migration to breeding pools. I never would have though that frogs and salamander would migrate at all. Anyway, we went out driving around searching for "hot spots" where there is mass numbers crossing the road. We then would stop and jump out with our flashlites and help all these wonderful amphibians make their perilous trek safely. It kind of saddens you, though, when you drive around and see all the squashed frogs and salamanders from the cars just running right over them. Nonetheless, it stills was amazing and I definatly am going to witness the event next year.

:: American-N-Canada 11:28 AM [+] ::

:: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 ::
Iranian Perspective

Here is another blog that I stumbled upon. This one is written by an Iranian girl. I think it is good for u to gan the perspective of people that live somewher other then the west. Notes of an Iranian Girl
:: American-N-Canada 1:25 PM [+] ::

Where is Raed

I came across a powerful blog today. It is a diary of an Iraqi who lives in Baghdad in these troubled times. I won't tell you anything about it because I can do it no justice. Just read it for yourself. Dear Raed
:: American-N-Canada 12:37 PM [+] ::

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