Hi! My name is Isaac Privett and here I am getting out into the world, exploring new things, and establishing the identity I will have for the rest of my life. I am starting this blog to inform people about the trials and tribulations of growing up in todays world and making decisions that will affect me for years to come.

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:: Monday, March 03, 2003 ::


Well I have been enjoying my break from the rigors of college life. I have mainly spent alot of quiet time at home, but I have been spending a decent ammount of time with my girlfriend lately. I went over there today for dinner today and had a nice evening. The food was good, thanks to her mom's good cooking. We had some chicken enchilladas and some boritos. My girlfriend wasn't feeling so well, so her mom suggested that I choose a movie. She suggested You've Got Mail and since I haven't seen it before, I decided that was a good idea.

Her father was absent for dinner and the beginning of the movie so it wasn't awkward until he got home. I don't know why dads make the whole dating experience awkward, but they do. He didn't do anything. It was just his mere presence that made everything tense. We were just sitting next to each other enjoying the movie, so I had nothing to worry about. The movie was pretty good even though it was a chick flick. If I had chosen Men in Black 2 we probably would have enjoyed it more, but all in all; it was good. However, I didn't get to see the end even though I most likely know what happens. We were almost to the end. I assume we had just about fifteen minutes left of the movie, when My girlfriend's little brother comes up and informs me that dad hath declared that it was time for me to leave. I am thinking "OK he is the boss and I guess he knows best." The only problem was that my girlfriend's dad was going to be the one to drive me home. I didn't drive over there because of my dad breaking his car and he was using the one I usually drive so this mode of transportation was going to do.

We didn't talk the whole ride over to my house. He changed the radio to what he wanted to listen to and we listened to that on the way there. I am glad he didn't ask me what I wanted to listen to. I would have put both my hands in the air as a sign of total submission and say "What ever you want to listen to sir." It is not like he has done anything to change it this way. I guess it just happens. I used to talk to him on occasion before his daughter and I started dating. He is a nice guy and I have nothing against him whatsoever. I guess it is supposed to be this way. I guess I will have to deal with my relationship with her dad just being plain awkward.
:: American-N-Canada 8:21 PM [+] ::

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