Hi! My name is Isaac Privett and here I am getting out into the world, exploring new things, and establishing the identity I will have for the rest of my life. I am starting this blog to inform people about the trials and tribulations of growing up in todays world and making decisions that will affect me for years to come.

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:: Thursday, October 23, 2003 ::

Gloabal Warming

Everyone knows about global warming. Supposedly we are spewing gasses into the atmosphere and they are acting as a greenhouse and warming up the Earth. OK thats sounds great in theory but I need you to explain something to me. It is October 23 and it has been snowing outside off and on for two days straight. It is also very cold outside! Last year it didn't snow until well into November. Now if the Earth is getting warmer then why is it so dang cold outside?!?! Shouldn't the snow hold off until later this year?
:: American-N-Canada 6:13 PM [+] ::

:: Monday, October 20, 2003 ::
Crop Circles

The entry into my brief investigation into the unknown will deal with crop circles. Crop circles have captured the imagination on a smaller scale over the course century, but has grown rapidly with Hollywood's dramatization in movies such as Signs. Some people believe they are hoaxes, some believe they are acts of god, some believe they are created by extraterrestrial beings, and some try to come up with a scientific explanation for the phenomena. So what creates these circles in the poor farmer's crops? As of right now, the cause is still unknown.

What is a crop circle? Well besides the obvious answer of them being circles formed in crops, I think a picture is worth a thousand words. Here are some pictures I found on the net of crop circles Here, Here, and Here. It doesn't stop there. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of pictures of these designs made in crops all over the world in many countries. Their geometric precision is amazing! It would take many days to plan and make one of the designs, yet they all seem to form over night. None of the stalks are broken. They are all bent at exactly the same angle. The soil type inside the circle seems to change. The plants show signs of great heat near where the ground meets the stalk. So again I wonder what could be making these intricate designs. Certainly it can't be created by a person going out there and bending every stalk with that kind of perfection. The global scale of such a thing, the anomalies in the soil type, and the speed in which they would have to work would definitely rule such an explanation out. There are many copycats that are definitely created by people and the differencesare quite easy to pick out. They are not even close to the precision of the real thing and cannot be created by two people with a board and a rope.

One of the most interesting explanations for crop circles has to do with sound. The belief of sound being able to control matter is not new. Look back at the Christian religion and they will tell you that god's word created the universe(on a side note: That doesn't seem much different from the big bang theory, but I'll save that for a later time.), read general writings about magic and most people who would cast a magic spell would do it by some form of chanting, and some native American cultures told about shaman able to mutter designs into sand. Now saying this doesn't prove anything, but it makes me wonder if there is more to this sound thing then previously thought. The similarities of the shape of crop circles to the shapes that sound creates in different physical media is striking! If these are created by people, then they are very well educated in the ways of harmonics and geometry. However, one problem that struck me when reading about this is that the physical media that sound traveled through to make these designs in the laboratory are not present. If these were indeed created only by sound, then how can the sound produce a pattern it did in a media without the media?

Unfortunately we are still without a concrete explination to crop circles. There is a lot of evidence out there being gathered on the subject but no one as of yet has been able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Are crop circles created by people, sound, little green men, a higher being trying to tell us something, or by some other unknown force? We may never know and as long as it stays a mystery to science, crop circles will capture the imagination of people from all walks of life.

If you are interested in reading about crop circles or would just like to look at pictures, here are some links.

The Crop Circular
Crop Circle Central
Crop Circle Radius
Crop Circles

Circle Makers Interesting about some guys who actually makes some crop circles for advertising. They are quite impressive.
:: American-N-Canada 1:25 PM [+] ::

I don't know if it because I have grown older and I have just taken more notice about the politics flying around or if there is an influx of people becomming more interested in politics. Today everyone is a politician and they will definately let known what their stances are. Something that I have noticed is that young people's views aren't as weighted as someone who has a little age under their belt. Maybe it is because some people think that a young person isn't a wise as someone that has been around the block once or twice. With the great tool of the internet I have noticed that this is completely untrue. I have observed many discussion on politics where a person would have very mature and well thought out stances. After learning more about that person, I would find out they were in their late teens. Makes you wonder if maturity comes with age or if it comes with the person.
:: American-N-Canada 11:33 AM [+] ::

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