Hi! My name is Isaac Privett and here I am getting out into the world, exploring new things, and establishing the identity I will have for the rest of my life. I am starting this blog to inform people about the trials and tribulations of growing up in todays world and making decisions that will affect me for years to come.

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:: Saturday, November 15, 2003 ::

Distrust of the Government

I have noticed a large amount of distrust in the government by a large amount of people. It made me wonder a bit about the whole situation. I have come to realize that people dislike the government because they believe people get corrupt with power. After thinking about it a bit, I started to think about people that the majority of people trust to hold positions of power. They want people who seems like the average person and will be strong against the onslaught of corruption. The problem is that you can never tell how a person will handle such a position until he is put to the test.

The next thing I thought about was what was the central cause of distrust and I believe I have come upon an answer. The fundamental thought about trust is that you expect the person to do the right thing in tough situations. In other words, you expect them to do as you would or want to do. If you thing a person would not, then you won't trust them. Now, this all boils down to politics somewhere. Many people do not trust the Bush administration and there is a simple reason why. If we look back at the vote between Bush and Gore, we will see that the country was divided almost 50-50 on the issues. Since almost half the country did not believe in the same issues as Bush, that created much distrust in him from the start. It still shows today how much the country was and still is on the issues. I find it interesting how it all can come back to each and every individual person.
:: American-N-Canada 12:02 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, November 14, 2003 ::
The Exorcist

I went to he library the other night to pick up a movie to watch. I was really in the mood for something "scary" since I haven't actually been scared by a movie before. I looked at the shelf of DVD's and something immediately jumped out at me. The Exorcist. This movie has a good reputation for being scary so I picked it up and inspected the cover. On the front of the cover there was this quote: The scariest movie of all time. This was enough to statisfy me so I brought it to the check out counter and got it checked out. I then made the cold trek back to my dorm room, turned off all the lights, popped it into my DVD drive, and prepared to get the living daylights scared out of me. Half the movie goes by. Not even a twinge of fear. I was very disappointed at this point. The movie wasn't even all that entertaining to make up for the lack of scaryness. It even lacked the jumpy parts and no one had even died!

I continued watching the movie in hopes of it getting to the part that freaked everyone out. Then all the sudden my room got pitch black, my computer shut off, and there wasn't a light left on all over campus. I calmly stood up, felt my way to the door, and walked out into the hallway. After about a minute of total darkness where I couldn't see my hand a few inches in front of my face, the power came back on. I finished the movie about 45 minutes later and was unimpressed. I wonder why this movie has such a good reputation. It is definitely not the scariest movie of all time. I didn't even think the plot was all that well thought out. The acting was good and the special effects were decent. I would give the movie an all around grade of a C. I have seen much worse and have seen much better. It wasn't a complete waste of time at least.
:: American-N-Canada 11:45 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 ::
Question of the day

How do you know anything really exists?
:: American-N-Canada 7:28 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 ::
Question of the Day

Here is a rather famous morality question:

You could cure the world of all pain and suffering, but to do that you have to kill one innocent baby. Would you do it?
:: American-N-Canada 10:54 AM [+] ::

You ask me why I am not happy and I wonder how you could ask me such a thing. I am gone and you are happy. I am alone and you are happy. I feel like I am in prison and you are happy. But you know what? I am glad you are happy and I hope you stay that way. Just don't ask me questions for which you know the answer...
:: American-N-Canada 12:43 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, November 10, 2003 ::
Question of the day

I am going to try my best to put out a question each day in hopes to provoke some thought. Without any further delay:

Why is love so easy to find but so hard to keep around?
:: American-N-Canada 12:23 PM [+] ::
Special Shout-out

Just wanting to say happy birthday Erica. Congratulations on making it to the big 18!
:: American-N-Canada 12:18 PM [+] ::

Second Model UN conference

Well, my second model UN conference was a success. I passed the only two resolutions in our committee, but somehow I managed not to win an award for that... I don't really care about awards anyway. Philadelphia is an interesting city. The only problem was that there was no night life where I was staying. Everything downtown was closed by 11 pm...The hotel I stayed in was very nice. We stayed up on the 19th floor and had a view of the city below. I enjoyed just sitting next the window and watching all the people below go about there lives without taking notice of me. All around the trip was a lot of fun. I learned a lot and enjoyed the time I spent in Philadelphia.
:: American-N-Canada 8:24 AM [+] ::

The Walk

It was chilly outside and he shivered as he somberly walked down the sidewalk. The companions parted ways and he chose the lone road with destination unknown. Thoughts of her flooded his mind as he walked past neon lights and closed shop after closed shop. Although most shops were closed for the night, there were many people out and about. He took little notice and he continued on his way. He was trapped in his world of depression and none of the passer-byes could save him from his reverie. He thought of all the good times and thought of all the bad times. The more the memories came, the deeper into the hole of depression he fell. He stopped a moment and took a breath of fresh air. He noticed a dark alley nearby and wondered where it would lead. A slight chuckle escaped his lips. He was amused by the irony of the situation. Deep down he realized she was never coming back and he would have to travel a never ending, dark alley alone. With no further thought, he stepped into the shadow between two buildings and knew he truly was now alone.
:: American-N-Canada 12:12 AM [+] ::

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