Hi! My name is Isaac Privett and here I am getting out into the world, exploring new things, and establishing the identity I will have for the rest of my life. I am starting this blog to inform people about the trials and tribulations of growing up in todays world and making decisions that will affect me for years to come.
Another Volunteer Tailgate Party is up. I know I haven't been following them all that well due to my lazy ways, but I will try to remedy that. Anyway, you should check it out and see what other blogs are up to.
You know I tried to be nice and politely inform of the dangers of smoking and someone didn't listen. So now I am going to make it easy because a picture is worth a 1000 words right?
I tell you
because it is bad for you and I wont have to sit there and watch you slowly kill yourself. I tell you what you put into your body when you smoke it is sort of like this:
and you don't listen to my warning. You don't realize that you could end up like this:
or end up hanging around with people like this:
Well, maybe I am overreacting and that may not happen but I am still going to send out my posse:
and if by some act of god you are not swayed by their merciless ways. I will do this myself:
and you will feel like this guy:
You may get mad at me and try to retaliate but always remember this image:
So if you want to keep smoking, be my guest because you are like the basketball player in the green jersey and the cigarette is the one with the white:
I mean you could find a new hobby:
Anyway, if none of this sinks in, just do us all a favor and be like this guy:
and end up like this at the ripe age of around 30:
because I wont be there because I will be like:
and be out having fun:
Another person I know has fallen to the amazingly stupid habit of smoking. Now I am going to write about it and tell everyone out there why smoking is stupid and why they shouldn't be like this person that shall remain nameless. HINT HINT I know you will read this. Anyway, to the why smoking is stupid.
I will start with the people think that it is a cool thing to do. I call this the lemming theory. There is the age old saying that if your friends jumped off a bridge, would you? Well, that question holds true because in both cases you are severely damaging your health or even killing yourself. Oh and by the way, smoking isn't cool. It makes you smell, it turns your teeth brown, and many people don't want to hang around you because they don't want to die with you. This doesn't sound very cool to me. If you still think it is cool, go stand outside by yourself while everyone else stays inside and socializes. Oh and think how cool it will be for your relatives when they have to look in your casket.
Now to the health risks. 30% of all coronary heart disease deaths in the United States each year are attributable to cigarette smoking. Cigarette smoking is the single most alterable risk factor contributing to premature morbidity and mortality in the United States, accounting for approximately 430,000 deaths annually. Smoking is also the cause of over 1/3 the total cancer deaths each year. 87% of all lung cancer deaths are related to smoking. You can also get cancer in the bladder, esophagus, and oral cavity from smoking.
Think it just kills you and won't affect anyone else? Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) significantly increases a nonsmoker's risk of developing lung cancer. Each year about 3,000 people die of lung cancer from secondhand smoke.
What does tobacco smoke contain? Arsenic (poisonous)
Lead (poisonous)
Tar (similar to that they put on roads)
Carbon monoxide (poisonous)
Acetaldehyde (poisonous)
Acrolein (poisonous)
Ammonia (poisonous)
Formaldehyde (yes the stuff they preserve dead animals with)
Hydrogen cyanide (poisonous)
Hydrogen sulfide (poisonous)
Methyl chloride (poisonous)
Nitrogen dioxide (poisonous)
Normal Looking Lung
Lung after Smoking
On a final note. Smoking is a big waste of money. Let us say you smoke a pack a week. Let us also say a pack costs about $5(I don't know the real amount but I think it is around there). There are 52 weeks in a year so 5*52 = $260. That is $260 a year you spend on something that only just kills you. I have heard of some people smoking as much as a pack a day. 5*365 = 1825. That's $1825 spent a year on cigarettes! Oh and you dieing from this habit doesn't just cost you. For the United States, direct health care costs associated with smoking were estimated in 1980 to be US$16 billion (7% of total national health care costs) and indirect mortality and morbidity costs were US$26 billion. You may be saying that is 1980. What does that have to do with now? Today, total annual public and private health care expenditures caused by tobacco use: $89 billion. That is a lot of money that other people have to pay for such a stupid habit.
If you continue to smoke after reading all that, I feel truly pity you. If you continue smoking after reading all that, I am going to call you stupid. If you continue smoking after reading all that, I am going to be thoroughly pissed off at you...
:: American-N-Canada 12:45 AM [+] ::