Hi! My name is Isaac Privett and here I am getting out into the world, exploring new things, and establishing the identity I will have for the rest of my life. I am starting this blog to inform people about the trials and tribulations of growing up in todays world and making decisions that will affect me for years to come.

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:: Saturday, April 26, 2003 ::

Artificial Oil

Scientist have finally done it. We ca now make our own oil that is almost identical to the oil that we pump out of the ground. This is bad because it isn't clean energy, but now we won't have to rely as much on other countries for our oil.
:: American-N-Canada 7:22 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, April 25, 2003 ::

What is it about superstition that attracts the attention to a lot of people? Do they really believe that if you walk under a latter, you will get bad luck? Do they really believe that if a black cat crosses your path, you will also get bad luck? You can't forget about the mirrors. Break a mirror and get seven years bad luck. Oh, there is also those numbers that you need to watch out for. Mainly numbers 13 and 666 (This is kind of funny since my girlfriend's soccer number is 13 and she has 666 in her address). All this sounds very amusing to those who don't believe in superstition, but there are still many people out there that take these to heart. I personally don't believe in superstition because I have had bad things happen after such events. Now I can't prove superstition wrong because I think whatever is going to happen, is going to happen. I just find it interesting how so many people still believe in such far out thing still today in our modernized world. For those of you that are superstitious, don't step on and cracks and keep your eyes out for a penny on heads. May want to invest in a rabbit's foot too. Oh, and buy a shotgun for all those black cats you may encounter. You don't want those things to ruin your day.
:: American-N-Canada 1:28 PM [+] ::
Second Volunteer Tailgate Party

Here it is. The second Volunteer Tailgate Party is out. It was hosted by Shots Across The Bow.
:: American-N-Canada 12:34 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, April 20, 2003 ::
Vacation Blues

We have all felt it. It doesn't come while we are on vacation or even before vacation. We feel the blues on the last day of vacation before we get back to our normal routine. For some people it isn't even a dread of going back to what they normally do. They just crave the joy they feel when they sit back and relax while their cares float away on the breeze. Does this mean that we need to rethink our normal routine and try to change the normal into a vacation? I think that would be great, but I can't see it happening for me at least. I don't dislike my normal routine anyway. I guess I got the best of both worlds. Does this mean that I am should try to make my life more like a vacation even though it can never be fully achieved? I guess so since trying to improve your life and the life around others is part of living. Now I need to get to another part of living that I enjoy imensely. Sleeping.
:: American-N-Canada 11:02 PM [+] ::
End of Spring Break

Well, spring break is over now and it is time to continue on with the blogging. I appologize to my readers for not updating in a week.
:: American-N-Canada 10:50 PM [+] ::

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